Thursday, August 27, 2020
News and Politics In the 1920s :: essays research papers
                                                  News and Politics In the 1920's  â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â â      The five years (1920-1925) picked are energizing. There were presidents chosen, one kicking the bucket in office, baseball was as yet the national hobby, a significant political outrage, and there were new developments all over the place!      Although the entirety of the occasions can be recorded in sequential request and depicted as news, the 1920’s had many energizing firsts. In telling about them, it is by all accounts better not to place them in any request. That makes them all the more intriguing. That makes it simpler to separate them into occasions. Those occasions make up the news, sports, mechanical declare ments, and political reports of the time.      Warren Harding strolled two or three miles down Pennsylvania Avenue on the day he was sworn into office. He selected the Republican Senator Albert Fall from New Mexico to the Department of The Interior. Secretary Fall got one of the significant outrage producers in U. S. History.      The Teapot Dome issue (named for an oil field in Wyoming) was about oil. Albert Fall accepted that the Navy’s oil saves, still underground, ought to be accessible to the private endeavor. That was illegal, particularly since it was accomplished for a pay off.      Radio station KDKA out of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was the first to make a communicate in America. There were not many individuals tuning in! Radio recipients didn’t exist for everybody. Americans before long got on to the thought and requested radio sets for their homes.      A past World Series was scandalized by pay off. By 1921, â€Å"Shoeless†Joe Jackson, and eight others of the Chicago White Sox players were being investigated. Baseball truly took it hard. In that equivalent year, baseball delighted in the primary radio station of the World Series, and the Giants beat the Yankees.      Colonel Billy Mitchell chose to demonstrate his hypothesis of airpower to the hotshots in 1921. Utilizing German boats from the Great War, Col. Mitchell’s aircraft sank the previous dreadnaughts pretty without any problem. In spite of the fact that he was right, the â€Å"brass†despised him for showing up the Navy, and the star (General Staff) was never put on his neckline. Air-power took its place in the military and it turned into just as significant as he trusted.      The Early Twenties sure passed by quick; Lt. Al Williams broke the velocity record in 1923. He was flying a Curtis Racer when he passed 273.7 mph at a landing strip in St. Louis, Missouri.      The President passed on in office. The recently sworn President [Mr.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Leadership and Learning Challenges to Sustaining Momentum
Question: Talk about the Leadership and Learning Challenges to Sustaining Momentum. Answer: Presentation: Authoritative Learning is characterized as the field where the scholarly research just as the training in calling field is created with a relative refreshed structure (Drupsteen Guldenmund, 2014). Cyat and March initially build up the authoritative learning detailed the hypothesis of conduct in a firm or an association. The experience gain by the organizations encourages them to adjust in nature and situational conditions where difficulties are most extreme. Two years from the presentation of the main hypothesis, Canglesoi and Dill engaged with distributing an article named Organizational Learning: Observation towards a hypothesis. As indicated by me, the authoritative learning in the perspective of scholastic research is the investigation of procedures of learning in an association. Hierarchical learning is along these lines a procedure, which depends on learning of a person with the assistance of private just as open association liable for making and picking up information so as to get acquainted with nature and the situative conditions (Matthews, MacCarthy Braiziotois, 2017). The interconnectivity is developing inside the association and it is turning out to be serious everyday. Thusly, the impact of authoritative learning is additionally expanding, the same number of the associations are preparing their representatives on this segment. The degree of multifaceted nature is expanding or the running business of different organizations hence all the associations are taking a stab at the most ideal system that could be achievable by the associations. The seriousness in the market limits the associations to change the learning association so as to support in the serious market. Along these lines, I think this aversive circumstance drove the associations to define an inventive procedure for upgrading the earth of learning (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). As per my sentiment this procedures are additionally getting viable as they are giving satisfactory motivations to the associations for advancing methodology at each degree of associations. I think the way toward le arning encourage the association by organizing a liberal culture and elevated level of trust inside the association. On the off chance that the organization prevails with regards to making, a domain that would encourages the learning in a contemporary and innovation arranged way then I believe that the association would achieve certain advantages (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). As indicated by my perspective, learning association ought to be empowered as it helps the representatives of the association to advance collaboration and help the association to accomplish benefits. Perfect Learning Organization is characterized as the association that helps in breaking down in the most ideal way and aides in building up the methodologies that helps in conquering certain boundaries and the arrangement of objectives is been accomplished by defeating those hindrances utilizing the proper procedures. The association, which centers around perfect learning, is an instructive association in my perspec tive in light of the fact that in these associations the workers have the extension to pick up the new abilities with the assistance of learning. Perfect associations are additionally liable for the adjustment in conduct, picking up and deciphering abilities of the workers (Sessa London, 2015). This aptitudes are expanded in a perfect association. The different qualities of a perfect association make them not quite the same as the conventional association. The creation of System believing is one of the huge advances taken by perfect association. It includes all the representatives in the association to obtain the information on the capacity with respect to the results of the considerable number of activities taken by associations. The marker for a learning association is estimated as far as information. Hierarchical learning happens when there is a sure change in the field of information on an association. The estimation of authoritative information is done in assortment ways by specialist. The procedure including the assortment, information spreading and improvement that empowers the workers of an association to learn is known as information the board (Hislop, 2013). The idea of information is heterogeneous and the information, data is connected from various field to develop an information the executives condition. Information could be separated into Explicit and Tacit Knowledge. Express Knowledge could without much of a stretch be move and is true. The vehicle of verbal, composed or by coding is been received for the exchange of information. The examination work proposed that Toyota follows the unequivocal information strategy in moving the information. Express information features the means required to perf orm for the culmination of an occupation. It likewise gives data about the time length of each work. It gives a clear depiction about the means that every worker needs to follow (Schoenherr, Griffith Chadra, 2016). Implied information is hard to move. It is fundamentally an individual sort information that couldn't be move utilizing the vehicle of composing and verbal correspondence. The learning procedure is picked up generally through experience. The exchange of Tacit Knowledge is subsequently hard to move, as it is unreasonably hard for coding (Schoenherr, Griffith Chadra, 2016). The main method of moving the information is by rehearsing and picking up understanding. The hierarchical learning is answerable for following the progressions that happen in association as it helps in picking up information and experience. The calculation of Organizational learning is finished by making, holding and moving the information that will be measured. As indicated by my perspective, the most broad and versatile methods of registering the hierarchical learning is the nitty gritty authoritative expectation to absorb information that exhibits the impacts of the bend that has been drawn by taking thought the information that has been given by the association. Expectations to absorb information helps in estimating the pace of relative figuring out how to the measurement of experience (Jaber, 2016). The three factors that influence the pace are the expansion in capability of an individual, innovation of the association improved, and the structure of the association is improved. The advantages of association learning are seen when the organization faces a few difficulties in their business. As the organization is confronting everyday changes in innovation because of the headway of innovation the associations received new procedures that could be problematic for the representatives. In this way, if the representatives are been furnished with learning associations it could be simple for them to be acclimated with the earth of the business. The authoritative learning guarantees the vital co-appointment is kept up between the apportioned asset, objectives of the association, goals and requirements of the client (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). The preparation gave by the associations is viewed as the misuse of cash and time for the organization. Hierarchical Learning helps in giving the elective methodologies to the workers to pick up information. This makes the organization to pay a minimal effort for the preparation. The hierarchical adapting likewise gives the spa ce to adapting exclusively and self-improvement. It bolsters enquiry that raised the inspiration of the representatives to cooperate in a decent workplace (Hu, Williams Mason, 2016). It additionally gives advantage by mix of group learning as working in a group helps in elevating great gathering work and solidarity is raised. It helps in holding individuals and empowers learning by sharing. Authoritative learning is developing unreasonably and numerous worldwide organizations had adjusted this methodology for accomplishing advantage and advancing the representatives by giving them more certainty for working proficiently and viably. Learning is characterized as the upper hands and advantage accomplished by the association. I specific differ this point from the view that association learning is those premiums that are been mulled over basically and are being served. The limitations looked by the learning association are the association is being a casing of learning (Senge, 2014). The predominant pretended by the administrators towards the sub-ordinate is disheartening for the sub-ordinates. The representatives assumes the job of sub-ordinate, who are been separated as the student having deficiency of the information (Senge, 2014). Despite the fact that there is a few impediments in the association adapting yet it additionally prompts the development of the association. Th e development is accomplished by ceaseless improvement in the earth of undertaking learning. Learning associations helps in giving a decent domain with the goal that the representatives have the opportunity of working. This progression helps in the development of the representatives with quality working and advantages the associations to arrive at a specific objective. Hierarchical learning helps in improving the idea of information and its bearing. It advances inventiveness and gives the space for the representatives to concoct imaginative thoughts (Sujan Furniss, 2015). It offers an incentive to the thoughts gave by each representative. As I would see it this prompts the fulfillment of the representative as they are been esteemed by the organization and the organization gets wealthy in sentiments. Authoritative learning has become the most significant procedure for picking up achievement in business. The associations needing to fuse the idea of learning association requires a procedure that characterizes the objective just as the destinations with a lot of target. The foundation of these objectives and goals is trailed by the execution of the key apparatuses that is been set up by the associations. The picking up of key focal points isn't that simple in the current climatic circumstance of the business (Roathermal, 2015). The execution of the techniques of authoritative learning helps in spreading the information in the whole association.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Live At The Acropolis free essay sample
In the event that you are another age music fan, a traditional music fan, or regardless of whether you simply like the sound of symphonic instruments like the piano, violin, and the drums, similar to me, you will appreciate Yannis music. This music is unrivaled and one of a kind sounding as a result of the fascinating mix of instruments. Other than the conventional symphony, drums, low pitch guitar and synthesizers are included. This delivers a grasping, full stable. There is additionally an extra, embellishment made by the synthesizers. The setting of this exhibition likewise has impact over the impact of the music on you. In this collection, Yanni has come back to his local nation of Greece to perform. In each melody, you can hear a supernatural reverberation. This is the impact the Acropolis has over the music. The tunes are for the most part splendidly composed. All pieces of the updated symphony appear to stream together. Practically the entirety of the primary subjects are played on a piano by Yanni, and are joined by the Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra. We will compose a custom paper test on Live At The Acropolis or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Likewise, on the off chance that you happen to play an instrument like the piano (like me), you can truly get into the melodic progression of a portion of the tunes. You can likewise acknowledge Yannis magnificent ability. He composes the entirety of the music on the entirety of his CDs. On the off chance that you need a melodic change, give this a shot. There are noisy, blasting melodies and tunes that can take care of you. Furthermore, regardless of whether you dont like this one, there are numerous other Yanni collections to pick from.You might be amazed!! .
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Animal testing Essay - 1964 Words
When it comes to animals and their rights, there is a definite line between our needs and our taking advantage of those species that we consider inferior. As long as man has existed he has been carnivorous, and the same holds true for many other species of animals. Animals are a necessity to humans for survival, whether it be for food, clothing, etc. However, the unnecessary torture of animals through testing is not a necessity for human survival. When it comes to the needless torture of animals that we claim to benefit, the animals lives need to be taken into consideration. S. F. Sapontzis gives his theory as to why animals should not be used in testing. To start with, animals are not capable of giving their consent to be used as†¦show more content†¦Following this line of thought, according to Sapontzis, experiments should be performed on animals in order to preserve the life of man. Therefore quot;experiments should be performed on animals in order to protect our species and enhance our livesquot; (Sapontzis 209). If this is true, then humans should have the right to do whatever it takes to better our situation, including taking advantage of other life forms that we consider lower than themselves. In Animal Revolution, Richard Ryder writes, quot;Scientist frequently justify experiments upon non-humans in terms of the benefit they may bring to othersquot; (Ryder 241). This line of thinking illustrates the idea that the sacrificing of one living thing is made in the name of science if it leads to saving of other living things. The problem with this is that animals- such as rats, mice, rabbits, even dogs- are being used to find ways to save the lives of humans. Once again, humans are placed above all other animals when it comes to superiority in life. Ryder also writes, quot;Experimenting on humans might well produce far more valid results than do tests on ratsquot; (Ryder 241). If this is true, the fact that humans continue to do research on rodents is absurd. Researchers claim that tests on such animals are needed in order to protect humans in some cases, yet this makes no sense if the data has gotten from these experiments has no relevancy to humans at all. What this amountsShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing678 Words  | 3 Pages Animal testing is a controversial topic in today’s society, much more than it was 100’s of years ago. Testing on animals was practiced long ago, and is still practiced today. Greek writings about vivisection [the dissection of a live organism] can be found dated as early as 500 BC. At that time, in Ancient Rome and Alexandria, and later in Greece, vivisection was originally practiced on human criminals, but prohibitions on the mutilation of the human body soon arose. This caused a reliance on animalsRead MoreTesting On Animals : The Dangers Of Animal Testing1375 Words  | 6 Pagesnumber of animals that undergo constant suffering in the name of human vanity. Animal testing was originally introduced in the early 20th century and is still prominent today. It is morally unacceptable to experiment on animals for human purposes. The procedures used in animal testing are cruel and inhumane, nor are they the most reliable source of data; resulting in many mishaps. Moreover , with the perpetual advancements in technology, there are several alternative methods making animal testing unnecessaryRead MoreHuman Testing : The Benefits Of Animal Testing802 Words  | 4 PagesAnimal testing has helped us for years discover cures for sickness in humans and sometimes even animals. But as long as they test the animals humanely, animals can be tortured with pain from the testing. However many efforts are being made to reduce the testing to a minimum. Scientists know that without the tests they wouldn’t know how to check the safety of new drugs. If there was no animal testing scientists would have probably resulted into something very unacceptable, human testing. And scientistsRead MoreThe Cruelty of Animal Testing1644 Words  | 7 PagesAnimal testing is a completely unnecessary act of cruelty and should not be allowed for various reasons. It is superfluous for innocent animals to undergo chemical testing of any sort, not only do they suffer, but there are other more humane alternatives to test products. Many people who are in favor of animal testing do not know of these safer more humane alternatives. Many methods have been developed to help stop animal testing, and improve the health system of all human beings. A significantRead MoreThe Importance Of Animal Testing1240 Words  | 5 Pages Animal testing has long played a part in the science of testing, and it still plays a very important role in the medical world. Testing on animals in order to create a cure for AIDS is one thing, but testing on animals for human vanity is another. Animal testing is used to test the safety of a product. It has kept some very unsafe substances out of the cosmetic world. However, in this day in age, animal testing is not the only way to test the safety of a product. Animal testing in cosmetics hasRead MoreEssay on Animal Testing1383 Words  | 6 Pagesand Behavior Animal testing is not a problem in today’s society because it is beneficial to humans. It seems unethical to put animals through such pain and torture, but if we stopped it completely there would be a large amount of human lives lost. How could this be? The further advancements in medical and technological science is inevitable. Therefore, if the testing must be done to learn more about the brain and body, which spe cies (animals or man) seems expendable for such testing. The real questionRead MoreThe Negatives of Animal Testing1027 Words  | 5 Pageshave been tested on animals; from lipstick and shampoo to dish soap and foot powder. Even the white ink on an MM has been tested on animals. To some, this statement may be alarming and even disturbing – to others it may not mean much at all. Either way, the debate over animal testing has gained much popularity in recent decades. Animal testing has been done since at least 500 BC; even Aristotle experimented on animals for scientific reasoning. Around 200 AD, dissecting animals in public was actuallyRead More Animal Testing Essay710 Words  | 3 Pagesanimal testing â€Å"Beauty without cruelty†is the outcry that can be heard from animal right activists around the world. The FDA does not require companies to perform tests on animals but if the cosmetic product contains chemicals that can be seen as toxins, testing becomes a necessity. There are currently thirteen safety tests that are performed on animals. Anti-testing activists deem these unnecessary and consider them to be cruel. â€Å"Fourteen million animals are used currently in the U.SRead MoreThe Rights Of Animal Testing2041 Words  | 9 Pagesrights of all animals with further argument or debates, do humans have the right to use animals on medical testing and lab use? There are several issues that can be placed in this argument this research will acknowledge four important topics in the rights of animal testing. Is it right to use animals for testing? Is it right to compare animal DNA to human DNA in these animal experiments? Is it right to use real animals instead of computers to generate results? Is it right to state animals are beingRead MoreThe Efficiency Of Animal Testing1394 Words  | 6 PagesEfficiency of Animal Testing For many years, the primary way to make advances in biomedical science was through experimentation on animals, also known as vivisection. This method involves using different species of animals in experiments and developmental procedures to determine toxicity, dosing, and effectiveness of test drugs before proceeding to human clinical trials. However; the use of animals in testing laboratories is becoming less common due to improved alternative options. Animal experimentation
Friday, May 15, 2020
Technology Plan Essay - 1182 Words
It is highly important for an health care organization to have a company technology plan that will give that organization office efficiency in which that they can better service their clients and also that the organization themselves can have an easier way to perform their duties and also maintianing efficient files and data. I am going to introduce to the organization a network that is both efficient in what it does, it maintains confidentality, and also keeps organization and patient information secured. An intranet is a private computer network that uses Internet protocols, network connectivity to securely share part of an organizations information or operations with its employees. Sometimes the term refers only to the most visible†¦show more content†¦It also helps to improve the services provided to the patients. (2) Time: organizations can make more information available to employees on a pull basis instead of having to run around to find information. (3) Communication: Intranets can serve as powerful tools for communication within an organization, vertically and horizontally. From a communications standpoint, intranets are useful to communicate strategic initiatives that have a global reach throughout the organization. The type of information that can easily be conveyed is the purpose of the initiative and what the initiative is aiming to achieve, who is driving the initiative, results achieved to date, and who to speak to for more information. By providing this infor mation on the intranet, staff have the opportunity to keep up-to-date with the strategic focus of the organization. (4) employee manuals, benefits documents, company policies, business standards, newsfeeds, and even training, can be accessed using the intranet. Because each business unit can update the online copy of a document, the most recent version is always available to employees using the intranet. (5) Cost-effective: Users can view information and data via web-browser rather than maintaining physical documents such as procedure manuals, internal phone list andShow MoreRelatedTechnology Plan Design1013 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction: Technology Plan Design A technology plan should set the direction for the future use of technology as a tool for assisting School District in attaining their vision, mission, and goals. As noted by Picciano (2011), planning should include a comprehensive approach to identifying needs, commitment to follow through with action steps and resource acquisition, collaboration between internal and external publics. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Communication Is The Act Or Process Of Using Words, Signs,...
Essay 1 â€Å"Communication is the act or process of using words, signs, or behaviors to express or exchange information or to express your ideas, thoughts, and feelings to someone else.†(Merriam-Webster dictionary, n.d) Communication is something that is vital to get through out life with interpersonal relationships and with family it’s crucial to communicate to avoid problems. For this essay, I was required to observe a family and discuss my findings. The family I chose to observe was an African American family who had gathered to have what was supposed to be a family reunion. The location for this event was on Tybee Island, Georgia at the beach. Upon arrival there were three sisters Sherry, Cheryl, and Barbara with their children and grandchildren. There was one sister, Sherry, who arrived and was upset about the planning of the event. The reason for this was because of lack of communication. The other two sisters, Cheryl and Barbara, who were in attendance had spoken to the Sherry, and she didn’t return a response. Sherry had taken a seat and began to communicate with her daughter and a cousin by the name of Brenda about how life was treating her. The conversation then transitioned to the topic about the planning of the event. Brenda eventually asked â€Å"What happened with the event last night Barbara? Why didn’t we have it?†Barbara responded saying, â€Å"Well I assumed nobody wanted to do the event since no one confirmed with me.†Sherry then interjected commenting â€Å"ThatShow MoreRelatedChildren’s Speech, Language, and Communication1750 Words  | 7 Pageschildren’s speech, language and communication Explanation of speech, language, communication and speech, language and communication needs 1.1 Children and adults use speech, language and communication to interact with others, to help them explore the environment, to make sense of everyday experiences, access information and understand concepts, as well as organise thoughts and formulate ideas and to help them express their own feelings and to understand the feelings of others (Children and YoungRead MoreCommunication And Social Care Communication1169 Words  | 5 Pagesdefines communication as â€Å"The imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium †. 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It’s that you’re destroyingRead MoreThe Importance of Speech, Language, and Communication1007 Words  | 5 Pagesimportance of speech, language and communication for children’s overall development. 1.1 Explain each of the terms: 1.1a Speech The word speech when used in relation to children and young people’s development literally means the act of speaking, verbal communication, or to express thoughts, feelings, or ideas. 1.1b Language The term language refers to an understood, systematic arrangement of signs, symbols and gestures used to communicate. 1.1c Communication To communicate is to ablyRead MoreA Pastor Is Not The Only Person Who Is Responsible For Controlling Their Nonverbals1581 Words  | 7 PagesA pastor is not the only person who is responsible for controlling their nonverbals. A good suggestions for all believers is to â€Å"use words if necessary.†This suggestion revolves around the idea actions should communicate the gospel clearly. 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Emotions are powerful feelings that may change the emotional well-being of a personRead MoreEssay on Communication Skills1340 Words  | 6 PagesOn the basis of your observation discuss, with reference to communication theories, the degree to which the people involved demonstrated effective communication skills. Compare and contrast also the usefulness of the selected theories for analyzing the event. ‘’I couldn’t help it’ Daryl I am upset. Somebody told my boss I have a part-time job. Smith And he doesnt like that ? Daryl No, he doesnt. He thinks that I am too tired to work. Smith I am sorry. I have to admit I told him. Daryl YouRead MoreBody Language and Gender Communications Essay732 Words  | 3 PagesBody Language and Gender Communication in the Workplace Ella Sue Duty Everest University MAR 2305-Week 4 Professor Walker Body Language and Gender Communication in the Workplace Body Language Facial expressions, head movements, body posture and actions, clothing, mannerisms and personality behaviors are signs of body language. Positive body language in the workplace helps others to perceive you as honest and open to ideas. Usually in the first 30 seconds, most people have already formedRead MoreEmotions in Interpersonal Communications week 2 385 zinzer Essay887 Words  | 4 PagesInterpersonal Communications Manuel Velasco BSHS/385 March 9, 2014 Dr. Zinzer Abstract One of the most important concepts of humanity is Interpersonal communication. Our communication skills vary from one person to the next. There are many ways that we communicate in society with one another. Communication consists of verbal or nonverbal communication. Each individual has a unique style to communicate with society that it’s made up of diversity. Emotions are powerful feelings that may change
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Global Supply Network Embeddedness and Power †
Question: Discuss about the Global Supply Network Embeddedness and Power. Answer: Introduction When an entity wishes to expand their business, there are a number of crucial factors which have to be given due consideration, before opting for a medium of expansion (Chan, 2006). A company can choose to expand its business by hiring an agent of other nation, hiring a distributor to sell their products, or can opt for the formation of a joint venture with an entity of the nation in which the company wants to expand itself. Harry Incorporated (fictional company) is faced with this very dilemma of which method they need to opt for expanding their business in China. Harry Incorporated is expanding its based in China, where the long term plan of the company is to form a branch in China, to tap its growing market. The reason for opting for China is that the nation has the largest population in the world, let alone the Eastern nations, and for a fast food company like ours, a higher population raises the prospects of profits (Hackett, 2014). However, instead of directly setting base in China, the company wants to evaluate the conditions present in the nation. And so, a dilemma has been raised on which method the company should opt for as its beginning in China. Thus, the report presents an evaluation of the three options available with it for expanding in China. Once this is done, the key requirements of establishing such option would be highlighted. Harry Incorporated has three options for the legal relations which the company can form with an enterprise of China whereby it will be able to expand its operations in the nation. In the following parts, the key aspects of these options in context of their strengths and weaknesses have been analysed. Agency/ Distributor- An Alternative An agent is a person who acts for some other person, known as principal and the agents undertakes the act for the sale or purchase of products of the principal. The agent is given the authority by the principal to act on his behalf. When a contract is drawn, it is created between the consumer and the principal and not between the agent and the consumer. As a result of this, the principal is liable for the acts undertaken by the agent and this includes the acts which are carried out outside the scope of authority given to the agents, based on the concept of ostensible authority, as the agent portrays to have the authority, making the principal liable (Benett, 2014). A distributor on the other hand buys the product from the company and sells it to his own consumers. As the name suggests, the distributor is essentially, the distributor of the products. This is done in the name of the distributor itself. And as a result of this, for the acts of the distributor, the liability is not raise d for the principal save for certain specified conditions (Mullet, 2017). In the matter of goods ownership, the ownership of the product never lies truly in the hands of agent. The reason for this is that the agents only have the role of representing the principals supplier in a different nation, and the principal is the manufacturer of such product. In the case of distributors, the goods are purchased by the distributor from the manufacturer and then this product is sold in the international market, to the customers of the manufacturer. Owing to these reasons, the distributor obtains the products title. There is also a choice with the distributors on the target audience to which they want to sell their products. Hence, they can choose to make the sale to retailers, to wholesaler, and even through e-portals to other audience (Murphy Marketing, 2016). When it comes to the agency, the exporting party, i.e., the supplier has the responsibility of making payment to the agent, and is usually in the form of commission based on the sale of product, achievement of targets or on the sale value of the product. The exporting party fixes the price of sale on the basis of inputs, which the agents provide to the seller, and this relates to the local or domestic market (Singh, 2015). When it comes to the distributors, the distributors earn their revenue by adding margins to the price of the product. This result in the prices of the product being raised and in order to bring this down, the principal has to absorb the margins of distributors in order to avoid the prices of the product from being raised. So, to avoid decline in the customers, the principal forgoes a part of their profits. Also, the fee given to the distributor is quite high in comparison to the compensation given to the agents (Alliance Expert, 2017). The agents are responsible for getting the orders for the exports and in return for this service, the agents collects the payment from the consumers, and also delivers the invoices as a representative of the exporter. Hence, the marketing operations of agents relate to the sales activities and the network development. On the other hand, for the distributors, the duty of taking care with regards to the stock in terms of its presence, its restocking and the inventor, is that of the distributor and also for reducing the lead order time. The distributors also have in their hands, the power of granting credit and the limit of granting credit to certain set of consumers and they often provide after sale services to the consumers (Scotter, 2017). The responsibility of covering the marketing risks lies with the distributors in addition to offering the services to the consumers when compared with the agents. Due to these reasons, the distributors are able to charge a higher fee in comparison to the agents. The agents usually have a carry the products of only one principal and also have smaller range of products, when compared to the distributors. The agents are not restricted by jurisdiction which is often the case with the distributors, particularly with regards to the restriction of selling the product in the nation from which the same is being exported. Owing to these reasons, the agent stays focused on the products of the principal. The principal does have a better control over the suppliers based on the training of the agents and the sale techniques where the principal has control. In case of distributors, they sell multiple products of different people at a single instance resulting in their focus being divided with different products. This also means that the focus of the distributor remains divided which makes it difficult for the suppliers to train them and also disallows the control over the sale staff of the distributor (Salzano, 2014). Joint Venture- Most Suitable A JV, or a joint venture, is another mode through which a business can enter in foreign lands. In a JV, usually two companies combine their resources for carrying on a business in unified manner for carrying on a business. A JV has features of sharing in terms of risks, return, ownership and even governance (Shishido, Fukuda and Umetani, 2015). Most of the time, a JV is opted for establishing temporary arrangements between two business entities, where they come to do a particular task, and when the venture is completed, the JV is ended in the manner provided under the JV agreement (Yeniyurt and Carnovale, 2017). The reason for opting JV lies in the key features of it. A JV is chosen for taking advantage of economies of scale where by combing the assets and operations of the companies, the JV attains benefits. This is followed by the ability of sharing risks in terms of different investments and crucial projects. A JV also helps in the skills and capabilities being combined in addition to getting an access to the emerging markets, by forming association with an entity from such market (Morschett, Schramm-Klein and Zentes, 2011). The companies are also able to unite their skills, expertise and their competition, particularly when the companies are otherwise unrelated. The companies also get an opportunity of participating in such ventures, which would have not been possible for the lack of requisite resources, and working towards a common goal. Lastly, through a JV, the costs are reduced and the risks and liabilities associated with the venture, is spread amongst the JV participants (Campbell and Netzer, 2009). JV has a number of disadvantages also and the biggest one lies in the limiting of opportunities as the participants are not allowed to work outside the JV. Apart from this, the exclusive agreements bind both the parties, which are often seen as the reason for avoiding JVs (Wolf, 2011). Often, there is a disparity in the division of responsibilities and resources, which often leads to a single party contributing most of the resources and lifting the weight of the JV on its shoulders (Gutterman, 2009). For Harry Incorporated, the most suitable choice is to form a JV with an enterprise of China. This would allow the company to gain an understanding into the real time working environment and the possible problems which can be brought up in future. This would help the company in also understanding the taste and the food standards followed by the local people, which in the long run, would help the company in opening up its fast food joint, without any JVs. The agency would restrict the JV as the agents would not be able to work with as much commitment as a JV would have; and a distributor would discard the name of the company, as the same would not be used by the distributor. Thus, Harry Incorporated needs to form a legal relation of JV with an entity of China. Key Terms of JV Agreement As it has been established in the previous segment that the best option of Harry Incorporated is to go for a JV, and the negotiations in this regard have already been undertaken by the MD of the company, with XYZ Incorporated, which is an entity of China, there is now a need to draw up the JV Agreement. However, care has to be taken when the same is chalked out, particularly with regards to the key terms to be included in the JV agreement. Some of the important terms which have to be carefully inserted in the JV Agreement have been summarized below. Basic Details: A JV Agreement has to start with the basic details of the JV. So, this part would cover the requirements of parties details, the address of office, the name of JV, the nature of JV, the structure and conditions of the venture and the related details of the parties in legal terms (Saracens Solicitors, 2015). There is also a need for the JV to clearly state the manner in which the profits would be shared amongst the parties. Governing Law: The agreement clearly needs to the state the laws which would apply on the venture. This has to be both in general and specific terms, and the statutory and the common laws. A particular care also has to be taken with regards to the laws regarding foreign investment. Also, there is a need to provide the party which would be taking the relevant licenses and permissions to set up the business (Prescott and Swartz, 2010). Parties rights and Contributions: There is a need for the contributions made by each party to be clearly stated and this has to be done for the financial contributions and the non-financial ones as well. The manner in which these contributions would be made also has to be stated clearly otherwise the same can result in a dispute after the joint venture is started. The rights of each party also have to be stated and also the possible approvals or permissions which have to be taken, particularly to define the scope of each party have to be stated (Yan and Luo, 2016). Exit strategy: The JV has to clearly provide the tenure or the activity for which it would continue. Apart from this, the manner in which the same would be ended, the manner in which profits and losses would be borne by each party and the other relevant details of exiting from JV agreement, even before the time or the task ends (Duncan, 2012). Dispute Resolution: The JV agreement has to state clearly which method would be opted for when a dispute is raised between the parties. There is a need to state if the litigation method would be opted, and where this method is opted, the particular court in which the matter would be presented, or the specific court where an application has to be made. The parties can also choose the alternative dispute resolution methods where they can use the techniques of arbitration, mediation and conciliation for resolving their disputes. The starting steps which have to be taken when the dispute is brewing at its initial stages have to be stated in addition to the possibility of the parties claiming damages from the other party, when a loss has to be borne by them owing to this dispute (Duncan, 2012). Confidentiality Agreement: When two companies combine their resources, there is an exchange of information, which at the majority times is material, substantive, and confidential information. Thus, the JV Agreement has to cover a confidentiality clause where each party promises to uphold and protect the confidentiality of the other party and even that of the venture (American Bar, 2017). Other Terms: Apart from the aforementioned terms, there is a wide ambit of terms which have to be properly covered in a JV agreement. This includes the elements of governance, reporting details, manner of accessing information, budgetary considerations, scope and limitations of the venture, the strategies of the JV particularly in line with the entry strategy, the insurance details, tax considerations and the like (American Bar, 2017). Conclusion The discussion carried on the previous parts highlighted that Harry Incorporated is looking to expand its fast food business in China, and for this purpose, the company had the option of choosing for an agent, a distributor or a joint venture. On the basis of the needs of the company aligning with the joint venture structure, the company decided to opt for joint venture with ABC Incorporated in China. In this regard, the company has to take care of certain key terms, which have to be included in a careful manner in the JV agreement and the details of some of such key terms have been detailed in the second segment of this discussion. By opting for a JV Agreement in the manner stated above, Harry Incorporated would be able to form a temporary business in China, and gain an understanding to the taste and other key factors of the Chinese market. Upon the conclusion of the JV Agreement, the company can form a permanent establishment in the nation, on the basis of the experience it attaine d from this JV and would also prove if establishing business in China would be successful or not. References Alliance Expert. (2017) What is a franchise, distributorship or agency arrangement?. [Online] Alliance Expert. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] American Bar. (2017) Model Joint Venture Agreement. [Online] American Bar. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Bennett, H. (2014) Principles of the Law of Agency. Portland: Hart Publishing. Campbell, D., and Netzer, A. (2009) International Joint Ventures. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. Chan, K.Y. (2006) Business Expansion and Structural Change in Pre-War China: Liu Hongsheng and His Enterprises, 1920-1937. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press. Duncan, W.D. (2012) Joint Ventures Law in Australia. 3rd ed. Sydney, NSW: The Federation Press. Gutterman, A. (2009) A Short Course in International Joint Ventures. 3rd ed. California: World Trade Press. Hackett, C. (2014) Which six countries hold half the worlds population?. [Online] Pew Research Centre. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/2017] Morschett, D., Schramm-Klein, H., and Zentes, J. (2011) Strategic International Management: Text and Cases. 2nd ed. The Netherlands: Gabler Verlag. Mullet, R. (2017) What is the difference between an agent and a distributor?. [Online] Open To Export. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Murphy Marketing. (2016) Differences Between Agents and Distributors. [Online] Murphy Marketing. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Prescott, D., and Swartz, S. (2010) Joint Ventures in the International Arena. 2nd ed. USA: American Bar Association. Salzano, L. (2014) 4 key differences between trade agents and distributors. [Online] TRS management. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Saracens Solicitors. (2015) All You Need To Know About Joint Venture Agreements. [Online] Saracens Solicitors. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Scotter, L. (2017) Sales Agent Vs. Distributor. [Online] Chron. Availab le from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Shishido, Z., Fukuda, Z., and Umetani, M. (2015) Joint Venture Strategies: Design, Bargaining, and the Law. Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing. Singh, S. (2015) Difference Between Dealer and Distributor. [Online] Key Differences. Available from: [Accessed on: 01/11/17] Wolf, R.C. (2011) The Complete Guide to International Joint Ventures with Sample Clauses and Contracts. 3rd ed. The Netherlands: Kluwer Law International. Yan, A., and Luo, Y. (2016) International Joint Ventures: Theory and Practice. Oxon: Routledge. Yeniyurt, S., and Carnovale, S. (2017) Global supply network embeddedness and power: An analysis of international joint venture formations.International Business Review,26(2), 203-213.
Monday, April 13, 2020
Observation of chemical change LabPaq free essay sample
Certain Chemicals like Bromthymol blue and Phenolphthalein can be added to other chemicals to determine acidity or basicity. Other reactions can be observed as well when different chemicals are added to each other. Procedure This experiment involved placing drops of specified chemicals into a well on a 96 well plate. Each well number was recorded along with question number and name of chemicals involved. Two drops of a chemical were placed in a well along with two drops of another chemical. Chemical reactions and color changes were recorded in Data Table 1. Observations During the experiments a few problems were encountered. One of the chemicals provided differed slightly from chemical description in the lab manual. We will write a custom essay sample on Observation of chemical change LabPaq or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The lab manual called for the chemical NH3 which is Ammonia. The chemical provided was an Aqueous Ammonia solution of NH4OH. When holding up the solution of AgNO3 and NH4OH to a light source for 5 minutes it was observed that no reactions took place despite the information contained in the lab manual. Also while testing the household chemical Brite, It was observed that the Bromthymol Blue changed to a green color that was not observed in any other test involving BTB. Questions A. Suppose a household product label says it contains sodium hydrogen carbonate (sodium bicarbonate). How would you test this material for the presence of sodium bicarbonate? To test for the presence of sodium bicarbonate you could collect a sample of the household product and add HCl to it and see if you observe any CO2 bubbles. B. You know what color phenolphthalein and bromothymol blue turn when testing an acid or a base. Use the empty pipet in the Auxiliary Supplies Bag to test several (at least 3) household items including household cleaning products with bromothymol blue. Rinse the pipet well before using it on the next household chemical. When finished with this experiment rinse the pipet well and return it to the Auxiliary Bag for use in future experiments. Name the items tested and record their results. What do these results mean? Refer to the last 3 rows of Data Table 1 for results and observations of the household chemicals. C. You found a sample of a solution that has a faint odor resembling vinegar. You are verifying that it is indeed vinegar and you add a few drops of phenolphthalein. The sample turns pink. What assumption can you make about this sample? You can assume that the solution is not vinegar because vinegar is an acid and phenolphthalein only turns a basic solutions pink. D. You decided to investigate if the new wave of Vitamin Water is pH neutral: neither too acidic nor too basic. Using BTB (bromothymol blue), you select five flavors of Vitamin Water to test. Three of the flavor samples turn a murky green, indicating the likelihood of acid/base balance. Of the two remaining, one turns slightly yellow, while one remains b lue. What can you assume about the acid/base content of these particular flavors of Vitamin Water? You can assume that the vitamin water that stayed blue has a more basic content while the vitamin water that turned slightly yellow has a more acidic content then the three vitamin waters that turned murky green. E. You have read that a new brand of hair tonic is supposed to contain lead (an ingredient in Grecian Formula). Devise a simple test to confirm the presence or absence of lead in that hair tonic. A simple experiment to test for the presence or absence of lead would involve adding potassium iodide to a sample of the hair tonic. If you observe a yellow and chalky looking precipitate when you add the Kl there is most likely lead in the hair tonic. Data Table  1 Well # / Question Chemicals Reaction # A 1 A NaHCO3 and HCl  CO2 Small amount of CO2 bubbles formed but no color change # A 3 B HCl and BTB Turned Light orange orange color # A 5 C NH4OH and BTB Blue color showing that acids will be orange and bases will be blue when using BTB # A 7 D HCl and Blue Dye Color changed to green # A 9 E Blue Dye and NaOCl No reaction, The color stayed blue until HCl was added then changed to blue green color
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
The Plague Essays (463 words) - Medicine, Plague, Health
The Plague Essays (463 words) - Medicine, Plague, Health The Plague The novel that I chose to do this report on was, The Plague, by Albert Camus. It is about a plague that hit the European countries in the middle ages. I chose to describe the literary term of parallelism. Here are some following facts about the story's plot that involve parallelism through the novel. The novel begins at Oran where the plague becomes known. The main character, Dr. Gernard Rieux, is a doctor. In the beginning of the story he finds a dead rat on the floor. Even in those times rats were not found dead on the middle of the floor. This was unusual, but he threw out the rat and forgot about it. Eventually the dead rats began to pile into large masses and burned. Soon after there were some people that got very sick, which made Mr. Rieux very curious. These reports of these ill people and the death of the rats were the beginning of the parallelism for this story. Since Bernard was a doctor he was the first to actually attempt to help one of these sick people. Michael was his first patient in this matter. He was the sickest person that the doctor had ever seen. Michael was pale white and vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr. Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying. Michael was the first person to die of this illness. After his death, many cases of this illness were reported widespread. Again more details of sickness and death, this is the parallelism for this novel. As the reports of sickness and death came to inform Dr. Rieux, he tried to comfort and cure the plagued patients. About ninety percent of the people infected had died. He wanted a stop to this plague. Quickly he linked the rats with the people. He knew that the rats began to get sick before the people did. At this time many people had the plague, except for the Chinese visitors. They never were infected. As the plot moves on death, sickness and the plague are still relevant. He studied their behaviors and everyday tasks and learned that they do something that was never often done in these middle ages. Not many people in these days bathed. The doctor began to notice that the people that bathed never got sick. So he asked all of his, still living patients, to take baths frequently. This proved to be the miracle cure for the people. The doctor asked his other fellow doctors to follow the same practice with their patients. The word was spread and the plague was soon wiped out. So as you can see, the literary term of parallelism was deemed very relevant through the ongoing plot. Death, sickness, and the plague epresented the story's parallelism. Albert Camus made parallelism the main literary term for this novel, given away by the title, The Plague.
Monday, February 24, 2020
Short Writes Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Short Writes - Article Example Katie Fallon argues over priorities, she believes that people must feel accountable for disturbing the natural balance in the wake of temporary economic gains. Coal mining is centuries hold occupation for people living in West Virginia. Coal is definitely an energy efficient fossil fuel, but the side effects that it leaves on the environment, and the health of the people challenges its usefulness. Almost 95% of the power generation in West Virginia is carried out by burning of coal, whereas the overall contribution of coal in energy production is 35% nationwide. Therefore, the author believes that people should unite and take a step in preserving and protecting the water bodies in Western Virginia. Definitely, burning of fossil fuels and other associated industrial activities has damaging effect on the environment. Katie Fallon is right when she blames the inhabitants of West Virginia for showing irresponsibleness. Her desire for the restoration of West Virginia is valid, because the scenario that has been express by the author is more than just alarming; it appears as an emergency situation that demands emergency measures. To further elaborate her arguments, Katie Fallon have used a narrative style; all the clauses of her arguments are more or less first hand experiences. Since, she is the inhabitant of that place her concerns for the upcoming generations of West Virginia are understandable. She claims that her ancestors were involved in coal mining, however, she argues that the times have changed, and so has the technology, therefore, the people need to accept the mistakes that they have committed in the past, and they should look towards restoration. Overall the article cannot be rated as 100% convincing, there were a few loop holes in the text, moreover, at times while reading this blogpost it seems that there are few missing junctions in the article. However, Katie Fallon has been successful in conveying her message, and the data
Friday, February 7, 2020
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 44
Marketing - Essay Example Lastly, services are intangible, meaning they cannot be touched or physically felt. This increases the hesitation in a consumer’s mind regarding the credibility, making the purchase decision harder. Thus, it is important that the services and its USP are marketed properly to increase awareness and allowing consumers to make a conscious choice according to the marketed characteristics. 2. Apple Inc. is a US based company that manufactures, markets and sell electronics, cellphones, tablets, software’s and personal computer s to the masses at a premium price. The ‘apple’ phenomenon is not a new one for this day and age where the initiative taken by Steve jobs took the world by storm. New innovative softwares, technologically advanced systems and superior user experience were some of the key differentiating factors that allowed Apple to attain the current position in the market. The targeting strategy adopted by Apple is differentiated targeted. This is because the company believes in selling high end products that offer superior customer value at a premium price. The focus of the company as per Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, is to create a halo effect that leaves people craving the product once one is hooked on to it (Pride, pg 43). The availability is relatively concentrated due to the company’s aim to keep up the ‘premium product’ image. Apple differentiates its products on the basis of the features offered, the brand association and the superior experience that it promises. Apple loyalists have this concept embedded in their minds and thus they do not consider switching. It also reflects the founder, SteveJobs’s aim to make the product so superior in quality and experience that the market comes to them and they don’t have to market themselves. This is the reason why the minimalistic advertising still allows apple to gain and
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Phenomenology and the Eucharistic Mass Essay Example for Free
Phenomenology and the Eucharistic Mass Essay In the study of communications, reaching a common consensus on how to apply a shared and common understanding of communications seems to be a near impossible task. After being introduced to the seven traditions of communications by Craig in his essay â€Å"Communication Theory as a Field†, I choose to explore the tradition he categorizes as Phenomenology. My initial understanding on the study of communications were quite limited to the transmission view, dominated by a sender and receiver framework. Interestingly, the transmission model in it’s origin was culturally rooted in religion, and used as a tool for the dissemination of Euro centric religious values and practices globally. With advancement in technology, especially in the 1920’s, the North American perspective on communication shifted the transmission model from religion to science to reflect a multidisciplinary approach in to the study of communications. As a practitioner of what was once the transmission view, the Catholic Church had experienced tremendous religious propagation of its message through forcible transmission all over the world. Based on Craig’s essay, the Catholic Church of today then embodies traits of a ritual view of communication, and is aligned with religious communication, and expression such as fellowship, participation, community, communion, and common faith. The phenomenological model of communication shares characteristics with the ritual view that I will be exploring through the Roman Catholic Eucharistic liturgy. The phenomenological tradition described by Craig, â€Å" conceptualizes communication as dialogue or the experience of otherness†(p. 217). Communication in this tradition is not rooted in verbal transmission but instead a shared experience on plains that extend beyond tradition verbal or textual communication. For the purpose of this paper phenomenological tradition can be seen as a form of communication expressed metaphysically as well. Gadamers’ theory from â€Å"Truth and Method†, focus on tradition and language as a primary form of communication. His ideology is that: we are only able to make sense of ourselves and the world around us because our consciousness has been shaped by history and traditions in ways we are largely unaware of wareness expands our understanding of the tradition. His description of an I-Thou relationship as the question-answer logic that underlies hermeneutic experience creates communication by identifying, hermeneutics, â€Å"that lead to a dialectical process of interpretation and growth of understanding. As a phenomenological practitioner, this theory has very intrinsic value. Communication in this practice provides a very meaningful and existential experience that I am to able to engage in with my Creator, in the absence of any other person. As a Roman Catholic, I have had many questions about the way we participate in mass. My parents grew up on the island of Trinidad, in a devout Catholic community. The Spanish, that had at one time colonized Trinidad, were very committed to their mission of converting the indigenous people of the island. The spread Catholicism throughout the country was profuse, with community churches everywhere, (even building one across the street from my mother’s house), and adding a monastery and seminary college a mile further up the mountainside where my father lived. Catholicism was not just a religion in our community, it was a part of the culture, and employed many of the villagers as they worked for the seminary. My grandparents were in fact Hindu, and converted to Catholicism because of the strong influence and presence it had within the community. As a Roman Catholic child, I had been told to repeat, chant, and act with humility, adoration and reverence during mass. I did not understand what we were doing or what the intention was. I became harder and harder to find meaning in going to church. In my late teens I stopped attending mass because there was no intrinsic connection for me in my faith practice. I remained a spiritual and deeply rooted faith based person, but I could not come to terms with many of the teachings of my church. I stayed out of church for many years. At some point, I became curious about what it meant. I was not looking for a theological understanding per se, but instead, what did â€Å"it†mean? The chanting, the collective response in unison, the prayers itself. What was I blindly repeating every Sunday? I chose to study the teachings of the Catholic Church in university at Newman Theological College to gain a scholarly perspective. Many things became clear, although I did acquiesce on some ideological points, (my own hermeneutical experience). Inspired by my academic insights, I returned to church as a knowledgeable participant of the mass, understanding that as part of the community, I would belong to the collective voice of the fellowship of Christ. The Catholic mass is deeply enriched with both Phenomenological Theory as well as Semiotic Tradition. In some regard you must look at the semiotics in order to fully understand what is being communicated during certain points in the eucharistic liturgy. For the purpose of this paper I will focus on the phenomenological aspects. The Eucharistic liturgy is a two century old tradition, considered the real presence of Christ at the last supper carried out each Sunday, and is considered an integral part of Catholic worship. As Catholics we believe Jesus began a significant new fellowship meal that we observe to this day. It causes us to collectively and intrinsically share in the experience of his sacrifice through his death and resurrection. The description of the liturgy I’m presenting here reflects a very basic summation of the ritual. At the start of the liturgy we are asked to offer ourselves up, and surrender to God. As we participate in the Eucharistic Prayer we are in the act of giving thanks. The congregation is humbled as Christ is transubstantiated from man into the elements of bread and wine. We collectively mourn as Jesus is offered to the Father in sacrifice for the sins of man. We participate in the Lords Prayer, and a prayer for peace. The Holy Spirit is invited to come down upon us and unite the community of worshipers into one body as we prepare to accept the communion, and offer each other a sign of peace. As a community we should be considered one body, ready to receive Christ as a single body in the form of the host. Prior to accepting the communion we collectively humble ourselves stating our unworthiness and asking for compassion and forgiveness for our transgressions. As members of the congregation travel to the the altar, it represents a pilgrimage in this life from a journey of birth to death, and to the heavenly Father. Once each individual receives the host, we communally belong to the larger body of Christ. An aspect of the phenomenological theory of communication as seen by Buber can be practically applied in this example. The I-Thou relationship is present when looking at the relationship each individual member of the ongregation has with their Creator, or even Catholicism itself. The act of worshiping communally creates an experience and awareness of each other that reflects dialogue in Gadamer’s model of phenomenology. Prayer itself is a great example of the I-Thou relationship the Buber describes. Although it contradicts Gadamers â€Å"parallel concept of conversation emphasiz[ing] the object or subject matter of conversation that brings people together in dialogue†(p. 219). Buber also notes that, â€Å"dialogue can be entirely wordless, yet deeply meaningful†(p. 19), and talks about how sacred silence itself can be on page 227, which is evident throughout the moments of the liturgy in which individuals respond on an emotional level through reverence, humility, sorrow, or repentance. Burber’s theory of a person living life with an open mind, open to experience and in essence living the life of dialogue is what resonates most for me. My critical exploration into understanding the Catholic mass has supported my dialogue in prayer with my creator, as well as my participation as a member of the Catholic church. It would be assumed that since developing a clearer understanding of the mass, that I would be regularly attending. That is not the case. What I grew to understand is that I cannot effectively belong to the congregation if I am not intrinsically communicating through action, intention and prayer when I attend. For that reason, I go to church when I have a deeper calling to do so. My I-Thou relationship within my faith is not compromised as I connect to my creator in conversation and prayer every day, however, my I-Thou relationship with the other church goers would be compromised and lacking authenticity if I attend mass out of obligation.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Michael Manns Movie Version of James Fenimore Coopers Last of the Moh
Michael Mann's Movie Version of James Fenimore Cooper's â€Å"Last of the Mohicans†The 1992 movie version of James Fenimore Cooper's "The Last of the Mohicans" was directed by Michael Mann and starred Daniel Day-Lewis, Madeleine Stowe, Steven Waddington, Russell Means and Eric Schweig. As an epic about human conflict, the movie addresses all the necessary elements of social, political and spiritual concern required for such a production; however, the grandiose spectacle of Hollywood film making abilities cannot mask the stereotypical Native American imagery blatantly portrayed in this movie. The movie â€Å"The Last of the Mohicans†in certain respects is an accurate portrayal of early colonial society, but in many ways it is inaccurate. The film did make every attempt to remain faithful to James Cooper’s book, which is known for its historical authenticity.      Cora (Madeleine Stowe) and her younger sister, Alice (Jodhi May), both recent arrivals to the colonies, are being escorted to their father, Colonel Munro (Maurice Roeves), by a troop of British soldiers. Along the way they are ambushed by a Huron war party led by Magua (Wes Studi), a sinister warrior with a blood vendetta against Munro. Munro's soldiers are wiped out and Cora herself is nearly killed by Magua but is saved at the last moment by Hawkeye (Daniel Day-Lewis), a white trapper raised by the Mohican tribe. Hawkeye promises to take Cora and her sister safely to their father, and along the way Cora and the ...
Monday, January 13, 2020
Cultural Considerations in Health Care
Introduction One of the greatest things about nursing is that we have the opportunity to share with different cultures and learn about them. Our patients are complex; they each have their religion, culture, and life choices. Delivering health advice and not knowing much about a patient’s cultural background will influence how the patient may perceive the nurses’ advice.The article that I did my research on was published in 2011, by Perez-Avila, Sobralske and Katz; the name of the article is â€Å"No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System†. In the United States, Hispanics form the largest minority. Most of this community has limited English proficiency; the purpose of this article is to teach us how Hispanics feel when catered to by English only speaking healthcare staff.Summary of the Article The article in my opinion was well written, it provides detailed information in reference to limited English proficient citizens in the United States. An example of how detailed the study is â€Å"One study revealed that only 37% of patients with LEP know it is their legal right to have health services offered in their language by a bilingual provider or through the use of professional interpretation services†(Katz & Pares-Avila, 2011, pg. 160).The author could have done a better job by providing more cultural information in reference to Hispanics; their believes and medical practices. Hispanic families believe that the father of the family is the boss; however the spouse takes care of the children. I must add that this is changing as women are becoming more functional in the work force and as professionals. The article focuses on how due to the lack of communication and cultural competence, a certain percentage of Hispanics do not benefit from the best possible care.In fact, the article states that Hispanics have more unnecessary tests done to them due to the lack of communication with health care providers. Many health care professionals decide to document that the patient’s medical history is not available, rather than finding an interpreter to assist them. The article does a nice job describing how this lack of cultural knowledge impacts the Hispanic culture. I chose this article because I find it interesting and of great help to any nursing and health care professional; I am Hispanic myself and constantly looking for better ways to help my community.I personally see my grandmother struggling whenever she needs to see her physician, as she sometimes does not understand what him and his staff are telling her. On another note nursing is an ever changing career and the Hispanic culture is growing at an enormous rate, becoming culturally competent does not only provide the patient with good care but can make the nurses’ job easier and more rewarding. I do feel that there should be more research on this subject; the b est way to learn about a patient’s cultural beliefs is to ask the patient.I think that the population that the author intended to target is health care professionals; however, I know that any immigrant can benefit from reading this article. Conclusion Culture competence is a quality that any nurse should have. The article that I decided to research refers to the impact that language and different cultures have on a patient’s health. It is the duty of health care professionals to attempt to learn about different cultures and to be sensitive to the way patient’s feel about their beliefs.Once the nurse understands a patient’s beliefs, the plan of care can be adjusted to meet the patient’s individual needs. Reference Pares-Avila, J. A. , Sobralske, M. C. , & Katz, J. R. (2011). No Comprendo: Practice Considerations When Caring for Latinos With Limited English Proficiency in the United States Health Care System. Hispanic Health Care International, 9(4), 159-167. doi:http://dx. doi. org/10. 1891/1540-4153. 9. 4. 159
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Michigan University Of Michigan Football Team - 1585 Words
The title says it all. The University of Michigan Football Team has been transformed into a monster from the start of the Harbaugh Era. Before Jim Harbaugh took over as head coach Michigan suffered a devastating 5-7 season and missed a bowl game under Brady Hoke. The team is now on the up rise. Even though the statement may offend some, it is true. There are those critics that firmly disagree because of the big plays the defense sometimes allows, an inexperienced quarterback and weak schedule. Despite their few flaws, Michigan has a championship caliber team capable of monumental wins because of their; prodigious coaching staff, unmatched defensive line, a developing quarterback, improved offense, and the man himself, Jabrill Peppers.†¦show more content†¦The staff combines to have an impressive thirty- two years of experience in the NFL. (Kenyon 1). Many coaches have also worked with head coach Harbaugh in his past coaching gigs, which includes his own son. Michigan has a plethora of notable names to their coaches’ roster. Names like Jedd Fisch, Tyrone Wheatley, Jay Harbaugh, Michael Zordich, Brian Smith and new coach Don Brown to name a few. Brown coached the number one defense in the nation last year at Boston College. He along with the other remarkable coaches has put together a defense that is unmatched anywhere in the nation. The Michigan defense so far this year has been nothing short of superb. In their first six games, the defense only allowed two rushing touchdowns and less than one-hundred total rushing yards a game. (Brouwer 1). Outstanding. As sports reviewer Chris Peterson proclaims in his review for, â€Å"[†¦] when you dive deep into the numbers, [it is] hard not to call Michigan football’s defense the best in the country†(3). With their great plays on defense frustrating opposing offenses game after game, Michigan has definitely rebuilt their defense. 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